Monday, February 16, 2009



The Western Jurisprudence defines contract as a promise or set of promises. A contract is only enforceable if there is a consideration that moves from the promise.


‘Aqd does not necessarily involve an agreement between 2 or more parties (which is a necessary element in a conventional contract) because the term is also used to describe a unilateral juridical act which is binding and effective without the consent of the other party (e.g., Talaq.

In Islamic Law, an ‘Aqd does not necessarily involve consideration (e.g., Wasiah (wills) or hadiah (gift).

According to Islamic Law, a promise may not be legally enforced although it is strongly recommended by religious and moral values to be fulfilled. (Surah al-Saf 61:2) (However Hanafi School of Law is of the view that a promise coupled with a condition is legally enforceable)

The legality of ’Aqd in Islamic Law can be found from:

a) “O ye who believe! Fulfill all obligations (Surah al-Maidah 5:1)

b) In surah al-Taubah 9:4, it states that “… So fulfil your engagements with them to the end of their term, for Allah loves the righteous.”

c) From the hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) expressly stated that “Muslims are bound by their conditions (Narrated by Al-Bukhari), … except condition to make lawful what is unlawful and tomake unlawful what is lawful (narrated as the continuance to the first hadith by al-Asqalani)

Therefore, there are vital differences between contract and ‘Aqd even if the terms are used interchangeably by the contemporary Muslims out there.

Translation – Bahasa Melayu


Perundangan Barat mendefinisikan kontrak sebagaisuatu janji atau perjanjian. Ia hanya boleh dikuatkuasakan jika ada suatu nilai (consideration) yang bergerak dengan janji yang dibuat.


'Aqd tidak semestinya dibuat seperti sebuah perjanjian antara 2 atau lebih pihak (walaupun ia adalah elemen penting dalam kontrak konvensional) kerana terma ini juga boleh digunakan untuk perjanjian unilateral yang boleh mengikat dan efektif walaupun tanpa persetujuan pihal lain (contoh, talaq)

Dalam perundangan Islam, ‘Aqd tidak semestinya mengandungi nilai (consideration) (contoh, wasiat atau hadiah).

Perundangan Islam juga mengatakan bahawa suatu janji tidak semestinya boleh dikuatkuasakan walaupun ianya diharuskan berdasarkan nilai-nilai agama dan moral yang perlu dipenuhi (Surah al-Saf 61:2) (Walaubagaimanapun, Mazhab Hanafi berpandangan bahawa suatu janji yang mempunyai syarat boleh dikuatkuasakan)

Berdasarkan di atas, adalah didapati bahawa terdapat perbezaan penting antara kontrak (yang biasa digunapakai dalam konteks konvensional) dengan ‘Aqd, walaupun kedua-dua terma ini saling digunakan secara silih-berganti oleh orang-orang Islam kontemporari di luar sana.